Virtual Learning Assignments


Friday, March 5th with be an asynchronous learning day.  Students will have assigned work, and will need to turn in upon return to school Monday, March 8th.  We will not have zooms that day.  Assigned work is listed below:


1) Complete vocabulary definitions for reading story, "Child of the Owl".



                        silkworms                                                                   newborn


                        truce                                                                            grudged


                        common sense                                                           ready-made


                        troublemaking                                                            porcelain


                        rhythmically                                                                self-reliant


                        foolproof                                                                     banister


2) Expository Writing


Write a Paragraph

For the first time ever, a spacecraft has mapped the moon.  How would you explain the Lunar Prospector mission to someone who had not read this selection?  Write a paragraph that explains or informs.  Begin with a strong topic sentence.  Use supporting sentences to present your facts and explain your ideas.  End with a conclusion that summarizes your information about the Lunar Prospector mission.


Brainstorm – Create a Outline

Brainstorm questions that someone who has not read the selection may have about the mission.  You can then use these questions to determine what to include in your paragraph.  Write the outline before you write.  Your outline should include the main idea of the paragraph with supporting information listed underneath.  Use the outline to draft your paragraph.



  • Does my topic sentence clearly express the main point of the paragraph?
  • Does my paragraph give evidence that supports the topic sentence?
  • Does my conclusion pull together the facts in my paragraph?



Reread your paragraph to check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes.


3) Complete Reading Test.


4) Behan Math – Lesson 108 p. 195-196 (no green) – will be turned in.


5) Spelling page 127/128





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Click on link above to join all of my class zooms.

Mrs. Mahan will provide info for her math class.




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